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0193 2Ti 3:3 incontinent
0193. Strong's Dictionary Study
0193. akrates {ak-rat'-ace}; from 1 (as a negative particle) and
2904; powerless, i.e. without self-control: --incontinent.[ql
0193 -- incontinent.
0193 Interlinear Index Study
0193 2TI 003 003 Without <0794 -astorgos -> natural affection
<0794 -astorgos -> , trucebreakers <0786 -aspondos -> , false
<1228 -diabolos -> accusers <1228 -diabolos -> , incontinent
<{0193} -akrates -> , fierce <0434 -anemeros -> , despisers
<0865 -aphilagathos -> of those that are good <0865 -
aphilagathos -> ,
akrates 0193 -- incontinent.
* incontinent , 0193 ,
incontinent 0193 # Expanded Dictionary Study
incontinent 0193 # akrates {ak-rat'-ace}; from 1 (as a
negative particle) and 2904; powerless, i.e. without self-
control: -- {incontinent}.[ql
0193. Cross Reference Study
0193 akrates * incontinent , {0193 akrates } ,
0193 - akrates - 2Ti 03:03 incontinent