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3524 Interlinear Index Study
3524 1TI 003 002 A bishop <1985 -episkopos -> then <3767 -oun -
> must <1163 -dei -> be blameless <0483 -antilego -> , the
husband <0435 -aner -> of one <3391 -mia -> wife <1135 -gune -> ,
vigilant <{3524} -nephaleos -> , sober <4998 -sophron -> ,
of good behaviour <2887 -kosmios -> , given to hospitality
<5382 -philoxenos -> , apt <1317 -didaktikos -> to teach <1317 -
didaktikos -> ;
3524 1TI 003 011 Even <5615 -hosautos -> so <5615 -hosautos ->
[ must their ] wives <1135 -gune -> [ be ] grave <4586 -
semnos -> , not slanderers <1228 -diabolos -> , sober <{3524} -
nephaleos -> , faithful <4103 -pistos -> in all <3956 -pas ->
things .
3524 TIT 002 002 That the aged <4246 -presbutes -> men be sober
<{3524} -nephaleos -> , grave <4586 -semnos -> , temperate
<4998 -sophron -> , sound <5198 -hugiaino -> in faith <4102 -
pistis -> , in charity <0026 -agape -> , in patience <5281 -
hupomone -> .