3722  Concordance Study

3722 Lu 24:1 early

3722 Joh 8:2 early

3722 Ac 5:21 early



 3722.  Strong's Dictionary Study

3722. orthros {or'-thros}; from the same as 3735; dawn (as sun-rise, rising of light); by extension, morn: --early in the morning.[ql



 3722 -- early in the morning.

3721   Interlinear Index Study

3721  LUK 024 022 Yea  LUK 0235 -alla -  ,  and certain  5100 -tis -  women  1135 -gune -  also 2532 -kai -  of our company made  1839 -existemi -  us astonished 1839 -existemi -  ,  which were early  {3721} -orthrios -  at  1909 -epi -  the sepulchre  3419 -mnemeion -  ;



  orthros 3722 -- early in the morning.

* early , 3722 , 4404 , 4405 , 4406 ,



   come 3719 #  Expanded Dictionary Study

  come 3719 # orthrizo {or-thrid'-zo}; from 3722; to use the dawn, i.e. (by implication) to repair betimes: -- {come} early in the morning.[ql

  early 3719 # orthrizo {or-thrid'-zo}; from 3722; to use the dawn, i.e. (by implication) to repair betimes: -- come {early} in the morning.[ql

  early 3721 # orthrios {or'-three-os}; from 3722; in the dawn, i.e. up at day-break: -- {early}.[ql

  early 3722 # orthros {or'-thros}; from the same as 3735; dawn (as sun-rise, rising of light); by extension, morn: -- {early} in the morning.[ql

  in 3719 # orthrizo {or-thrid'-zo}; from 3722; to use the dawn, i.e. (by implication) to repair betimes: -- come early {in} the morning.[ql

  in 3722 # orthros {or'-thros}; from the same as 3735; dawn (as sun-rise, rising of light); by extension, morn: -- early {in} the morning.[ql

  morning 3719 # orthrizo {or-thrid'-zo}; from 3722; to use the dawn, i.e. (by implication) to repair betimes: -- come early in the {morning}.[ql

  morning 3720 # orthrinos {or-thrin-os'}; from 3722; relating to the dawn, i.e. matutinal (as an epithet of Venus, especially brilliant in the early day): -- {morning}.[ql

  morning 3722 # orthros {or'-thros}; from the same as 3735; dawn (as sun-rise, rising of light); by extension, morn: -- early in the {morning}.[ql

  the 3719 # orthrizo {or-thrid'-zo}; from 3722; to use the dawn, i.e. (by implication) to repair betimes: -- come early in {the} morning.[ql

  the 3722 # orthros {or'-thros}; from the same as 3735; dawn (as sun-rise, rising of light); by extension, morn: -- early in {the} morning.[ql



 3722. Cross Reference Study


3722 orthros  * early , {3722 orthros } , 4404 proi  , 4405 proia  , 4406 proimos  ,



 3722 - orthros -  Luk 24:01 early

3722 - orthros -  Joh 08:02 early

3722 - orthros -  Act 05:21 early